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  • Mostrando 1 - 18 de 50 resultados
S/. 10.50
S/. 19.90
Bayas de Gojis Deshidratadas Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 9.90
Organic Dehydrated Hibiscus Flower
  • En Oferta -0%
Organic Pecans
  • En Oferta -7%
S/. 27.90S/. 29.90
Dehydrated Organic Golden Gooseberry
  • En Oferta -0%
Organic Shredded Dehydrated Coconut
  • En Oferta -0%
Seedless Dried Dates
  • En Oferta -10%
S/. 8.90S/. 9.90
Quinua Tricolor en Granos Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -0%
Linaza Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -16%
S/. 11.50S/. 13.70
Guindones sin Pepa - Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 11.50
Roasted Salted Pistachios
  • En Oferta -2%
S/. 26.90S/. 27.40
S/. 14.90

Las semillas de Chia destacan por su riqueza nutricional: ácidos grasos polinsaturados, proteínas, fibra y vitaminas del grupo B. Contienen cerca de un 20% de proteínas, más que otros cereales. Contiene Omega 6 y siete...

S/. 10.50

Dried cranberries are a delicious fruit that have gained too much strength lately thanks to their great flavor and the fact that they combine very well with everything, in addition to the fact that you...

S/. 19.90

Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts on the planet, they have a delicate and sweet flavor, and contain countless beneficial properties for our body. Among their benefits, it stands out that they help...

Bayas de Gojis Deshidratadas Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 17.90

Las bayas de Goji son el fruto del Lycium Barbarum, una especie de planta de flores o arbusto que crece típicamente en China. En varias partes del continente asiático z.  Por otro lado y tras el...

S/. 9.90

It is an Andean cereal, of exceptional nutritional value, rich in vegetable proteins, gluten-free, large amounts of carbohydrates and an excellent balance of essential amino acids. The nutritional value of quinoa is so high that...

Organic Dehydrated Hibiscus Flower
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 6.90

The hibiscus flower is usually recognized for its therapeutic or medicinal properties. This is because, like most plants, it concentrates multiple vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds called phytochemicals, with various antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive properties.Jamaica...

Organic Pecans
  • En Oferta -7%
S/. 27.90S/. 29.90

Pecans are nuts that have many properties for people's health care, especially for their cardiovascular system, since they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. Benefits High content of healthy fatty acids (especially monounsaturated fatty acids)....

S/. 9.90

 La Kiwicha Pop es un snack saludable hecho a base de los granos de Kiwicha o Amaranto, 100 gramos de Kiwicha contiene el doble de calcio que la misma cantidad en leche. Asimismo el grano...

Dehydrated Organic Golden Gooseberry
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 12.90

The aguaymanto is a fleshy and juicy berry native to the Andean zone of Peru. A wonder of nature within everyone's reach. It is a highly appreciated fruit for its high content of antioxidants, which...

Organic Shredded Dehydrated Coconut
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 8.90

It is an ingredient that is obtained by grating the pulp of dried coconut. The color and flavor of grated coconut is attributed to its high content of sugars and oils. Benefits Among the benefits...

S/. 9.90

It is an Andean cereal, of exceptional nutritional value, rich in vegetable proteins, gluten-free, large amounts of carbohydrates and an excellent balance of essential amino acids. The nutritional value of quinoa is so high that...

Seedless Dried Dates
  • En Oferta -10%
S/. 8.90S/. 9.90

The date is a source of vitamin E, which helps protect cell membranes from oxidation, the formation of red blood cells and the use of vitamin K. It is also rich in soluble fiber, which...

Quinua Tricolor en Granos Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 11.90

Es un cereal andino, de excepcional valor nutritivo rico en proteínas vegetales, libre de gluten, grandes cantidades de carbohidratos y excelente balance de aminoácidos esenciales. El valor nutricional de la quinua es tan alto que...

S/. 14.90

Las semillas de Chia destacan por su riqueza nutricional: ácidos grasos polinsaturados, proteínas, fibra y vitaminas del grupo B. Contienen cerca de un 20% de proteínas, más que otros cereales. Contiene Omega 6 y siete...

Linaza Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -16%
S/. 11.50S/. 13.70

Las semillas de linaza o lino poseen tres propiedades nutricionales que las destacan entre los demás alimentos: ricas en Omega-3, ricas en una fibra y en Vitamina B1. Beneficios Las tres propiedades fundamentales de las...

Guindones sin Pepa - Organix Perú
  • En Oferta -0%
S/. 11.50

Guindón, like raisins, is a dehydrated fruit; in this case it is a plum. It is known that cherries are an excellent natural laxative, but surprisingly, the active compound responsible for this effect is not...

S/. 24.90

También conocidas como "Nueces de Brasil", son técnicamente semillas que crecen en las selvas vírgenes de América del Sur. Estas semillas grandes con forma de media luna están encerrados en una cáscara de color marrón...

Roasted Salted Pistachios
  • En Oferta -2%
S/. 26.90S/. 27.40

The moderate consumption of pistachios helps regulate stress, fight obesity and even reduce the pain of menstruation. In addition, it provides another series of benefits to the body, such as, for example, regulating cholesterol or...