Organic Almonds
Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts on the planet, they have a delicate and sweet flavor, and contain countless beneficial properties for our body. Among their benefits, it stands out that they help...
Organic Pecans
Pecans are nuts that have many properties for people's health care, especially for their cardiovascular system, since they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. Benefits High content of healthy fatty acids (especially monounsaturated fatty acids)....
Castañass Organix Perú
También conocidas como "Nueces de Brasil", son técnicamente semillas que crecen en las selvas vírgenes de América del Sur. Estas semillas grandes con forma de media luna están encerrados en una cáscara de color marrón...
Roasted Salted Pistachios
The moderate consumption of pistachios helps regulate stress, fight obesity and even reduce the pain of menstruation. In addition, it provides another series of benefits to the body, such as, for example, regulating cholesterol or...
Sliced Almonds (flakes)
Natural almond slices are specially designed to be used in the preparation of sweets and desserts, as well as to decorate your favorite dishes. Add a plus of flavor and texture to your recipes, and...
Peeled Walnuts
Walnuts are the healthiest dried fruit thanks to the balanced composition of their fats. With only 25 g of walnuts (5 pieces) 91% of the daily needs of omega 3 fatty acids are satisfied. It...
Maní Tostado Organix Perú
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) incluye al maní entre los alimentos recomendables “para una dieta saludable”. Su contenido en proteínas y aminoácidos, minerales como el potasio, magnesio y el fósforo, vitamina E y...
Cashew Tostados Organix Perú
Los cashews o Semilla de Marañón mejoran la salud del corazón, pues nos ayuda a reducir los niveles de triglicéridos. Además están libres de colesterol y son altos en antioxidantes. Reducen la ansiedad gracias al...
Avellanas Organix Perú
Las avellanas son una fuente de nutrientes y antioxidantes para nuestra organismo. Dentro de su cáscara encierran un sabor con un punto dulce y tostado, suave, y ligeramente graso. Beneficios Ricas en ácido oleico Ricas...
Macadamia nuts
It is one of the richest nuts in fat (they represent 75 to 80% of its weight and 80% of its caloric value). These fats are healthy, as the dominant fatty acids are monounsaturated, as...