Yacon capsules - 800mg x dose
Yacon is an Andean root with a sweet flavor highly recommended for diabetics. Its main advantage is its content of Inulin, dietary fiber that helps the body to metabolize glucose. Yacon is an Andean tuber...
Hydrolyzed Collagen Capsules & Black Maca and Cocoa - 1000mg x dose
Hydrolyzed collagen is a food supplement, made mainly from bovine bones and cartilage, which can be used to promote the production of collagen by the body, helping to improve the appearance of the skin and...
Green Tea Capsules - 1000mg x dose
Green tea is a beverage produced from the fresh Camellia sinensis leaf, rich in phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants and nutrients which provide various health benefits for the prevention and treatment of various diseases....
Cápsulas de Colágeno Hidrolizado con Acai Organix Perú | 1000mg x toma
El colágeno hidrolizado de Organix Perú potenciado con los beneficios del acai berry, potencia la producción de colágeno por el cuerpo, maximizando las beneficios del colágeno en nuestro organismo, mejorar firmeza de la piel, fortalecer...
Cápsulas de Paico Organix Perú - 1000mg x toma
El Paico es una planta medicinal milenaria, posee cualidades antiparasitarias para el tratamiento de áscaris (lombrices) y la tenia. Esta planta tiene múltiples propiedades y es beneficiosa para un sin númnero de enfermedades.Crece de manera...
Huamanpinta capsules - 1000mg x dose
Huamanpinta is used as a natural substitute for many medications for different conditions such as: sciatica pain, biliary inflammation, urinary-type inflammation (prostate or kidneys). It is used as a depurative for the blood or for...
Capsules of Flor de Arena - 1000mg x dose
It is a small Peruvian plant with a strong aroma. It has been used in Peruvian folk medicine for centuries, and information about its properties has been passed down from generation to generation. The Sand...
Rosemary capsules - 1000mg x dose
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an aromatic shrub native to the rocky coasts of the Mediterranean and the Caucasus. It is known and used since ancient times as a condiment and for medicinal purposes thanks to...
Matico Capsules - 1,000mg x serving
Matico is a plant with excellent anti-inflammatory properties that helps calm symptoms of respiratory conditions, such as cough and sore throat, to do so drink it as a mate or gargle. It also has a...
Cápsulas de Citrato de Magnesio Organix Perú - 400mg x toma
Las cápsulas de citrato de magnesio son un complemento alimenticio para adultos compuesto de carbonato de magnesio y ácido cítrico. Se comercializa como suplemento para reforzar y proteger los huesos, así como para facilitar la...