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Peeled Walnuts

Walnuts are the healthiest dried fruit thanks to the balanced composition of their fats. With only 25 g of walnuts (5 pieces) 91% of the daily needs of omega 3 fatty acids are satisfied.

It is one of the nuts with more fat –62% of its weight– but with proportions of fatty acids that make it very healthy.

While in other nuts the proportion of omega 6 is much higher than that of omega-3 (40 to 1 in almonds, for example) , which can favor inflammation if the disproportion is not corrected through other foods, in nuts the proportion is 5 to 1, much more balanced.

Only 9% is saturated fat, 14 % is the beneficial monounsaturated and 77% is polyunsaturated, of which 13% is from the omega 3 family. This is part of the secret of the most studied property of walnuts: their protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.

It also provides protein (15%) and has a remarkable percentage of vitamin E, B vitamins, and minerals and trace elements such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and iron.


  • They are very good for the heart
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect
  • They are a valuable source of omega-3 and protein.
  • They have antioxidant effects
  • They delay or reduce the severity of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
  • Its ellagic acid favors the elimination of carcinogenic substances and helps to block the metabolic pathways that lead to the development of tumor cells.
  • Prevents the appearance of gallstones.
  • They have a satiating effect.
  • Helps lose weight.


Generally, it is consumed raw, alone or accompanied by other products such as yogurt, cheese or other nuts. But walnuts are ideal for inclusion in thousands of recipes, sauces or desserts.