Lucuma is an originally Peruvian plant, which in pre-Hispanic times was already used by the Incas in their daily diet because it has important nutritional values.
It is rich in fiber, iron and carotene, three key substances for the proper functioning of the body. However, lucuma has a high content of niacin, a substance better known as vitamin B3, which collaborates very effectively in protein metabolism and in the body's energy production process.
The properties of lucuma are many and more and more are being discovered. These are the most popular benefits and medicinal uses today.
- Helps fight depression. This is one of the most celebrated benefits of lucuma, since it stems from the energizing qualities that so attracted the Incas.
- Helps stimulate the nervous system to reduce the fatigue and decay typical of a depressive state.
- Reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides. By drinking a glass of lucuma juice daily you would already be taking advantage of this benefit.
- Prevents heart disease and increases the efficiency of the immune system.
- Improves skin diseases, especially against herpes, warts and skin irritations in general.
- Combats diabetes, since it regulates the concentration of glucose in the blood.
Consumption Mode
The recommended daily dose is one half or one teaspoon per day. You can take it with water or natural fruit juices, cereals, yogurts and ice creams.
For those people who want to gain energy or gain weight, they can consume it in smoothies accompanied with banana, milk and honey.