The artichoke is a vegetable that is as tasty as it is versatile. A treasure of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is hidden among its leaves. A gift for our health that has always been considered an ally for our body, which is why during the Middle Ages, for example, it was one of the most expensive foods that existed. , one of the tastiest and for which Catherine de Médici paid high sums.
- Due to its wonderful digestive properties, it is ideal for treating diseases such as uric acid, rheumatism and gallbladder stone problems.
- It reduces triglycerides in the blood, which is why it is really valuable for combating cholesterol: it reduces bad cholesterol and increases HDL, which is considered good.
- It helps us regulate constipation and diarrhea.
- The artichoke relieves stomach acidity, also eliminating pain, distension, discomfort.
- Thanks to their cholesterol-lowering benefits, artichokes are magnificent allies for improving atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.
- Its principles to take care of our stomach and help with digestion, makes the artichoke perfect for eliminating the flow of bile.
- The artichoke is also used in diets, and thanks to its vegetable fibers it is more than perfect for controlling appetite. By absorbing water from the stomach, it gives a very adequate feeling of satiety.
- The artichoke provides us with endless vitamins and minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamin A, B vitamins, transforms sugar into energy... It is undoubtedly a more than basic vegetable for our daily diet.
- It has diuretic properties, eliminates fluid retention in the body, eliminates toxins... It is, therefore, ideal for gout problems, arthritis, liver diseases, circulatory problems and to reduce fat.
- There are recent studies indicating that the caffeic, pantothenic and flavonoid acids in artichokes are very suitable for preventing and improving some types of cancer.
Consumption mode
It is recommended to take (04) capsules per day.